
gNewSense is an operating system based on Debian. The upcoming version of gNewSense, version 4, will be based on Debian 7, also known as Wheezy. As a derivative, gNewSense needs to modify some components of the system so that they look like gNewSense and refer to gNewSense resources instead of Debian’s.

Aurora is a visual theme for gNewSense made to replace Debian’s default appearance. It includes wallpapers, background images for different components of the system, an icon theme and themes for different desktop environments such as GNOME, KDE and Xfce.

System installer

Installer main menu

Splash image for the Installer’s main menu

Banner in GUI Installer

Banner image for the GUI Installer

Boot loader

GNU GRUB 2 menu with Aurora background

Background image for GNU GRUB 2

Desktop themes

GNOME Desktop in gNewSense 4

GNOME 3 Desktop theme