
Aurora includes a visual theme for the GNOME 3 Desktop Environment.

GNOME Desktop in gNewSense 4

The descktop theme, called Aurora, is located in aurora/desktop/ and should be installed in /usr/share/themes/.

End users of the system should be able to change the theme from Applications ‣ System Tools ‣ Advanced Settings. Background images can be changed from User ‣ System Settings ‣ Background.


Two icon themes are provided: gnewsense and gnewsense-light. The former is a dark theme for light desktops; the latter is a light theme for dark desktops.

None of the icon themes provided is a completly new theme. They inherit almost all icons from the default gnome icon theme, except the branding, which is replaced for gNewSense’s.

Icon themes are found in aurora/icons/ and can be installed in /usr/share/icons/ in the file system.

Note that the desktop theme depends on these icon themes. This means both icon themes must be installed for the desktop theme to work correctly.

GDM3 theme

A GDM3 theme is available in aurora/gdm3 to overwrite Debian defaults. It contains the following files:

  • greeter.gsettings: these are the options for the greeter session that can be set through GSettings.
  • gnewsense-shell-greeter.svg: gNewSense logo image used by greeter when the user computer can render the new GNOME Shell.
  • gnewsense-fallback-greeter.svg: gNewSense logo image used by greeter when the user computer cannot render the new GNOME Shell.

To use the theme, the files above have to be placed in the following locations:

# cp aurora/gdm3/greeter.gsettings /etc/gdm3/
# cp aurora/gdm3/*.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/